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波兰国际泵阀展览会 - VALVES&PUMPS EXPO汇集了流量技术领域的顶尖专家和创新者。展会展示了最新的技术、产品和服务。大会及配套活动使与会者能够拓展知识、掌握新技能。加入我们的展会,了解工业配件领域的最新解决方案。这是一个获得真知灼见的绝佳机会,将彻底改变您的业务流程。展会的动态环境促进业务增长。展会的活跃氛围有助于促进业务增长、建立有价值的联系和交流经验。
Valves&Pumps is an event that brings together leading experts and innovators in the field of flow technology. The fair showcases the latest technologies, products, and services. The congress and accompanying events allow participants to expand their knowledge and acquire new skills. Join us at the fair, to stay up to date with the latest solutions in the field of industrial fittings. It is an excellent opportunity to gain insights that will revolutionize how you approach flow technology in your business. The dynamic environment of the fair fosters business growth. The dynamic atmosphere of the fair fosters business growth, the creation of valuable contacts, and the exchange of experiences.
流体工程设备: 流体输送管道及配件、机械配件、流体输送机械、流体处理设备、流体系统、流体密封件、汽轮机、涡轮机、叶轮机、空分设备、真空设备、鼓风机、传动设备及各种配套设备等
加工检测设备: 各类测量仪器、仪表、工艺加工设备、过程控制及自动化、风机及压缩机、过程工业辅助设备等
泵: 水泵、油泵、真空泵、压力泵、泥浆泵、纸浆泵、化工泵、油泵流程泵、污水泵、耐酸泵、耐腐蚀泵、离心泵、计量泵、旋涡泵、自吸泵、多级泵、气动泵、管道泵、空调泵、潜水泵、泳池泵、液下泵、磁力泵、齿轮泵、螺旋泵、圆弧泵、高粘度泵、杂质泵及其它特殊用泵,泵类配套产品及各类配套仪器、各种密封件及密封技术等
阀门: 球阀、蝶阀、闸阀、真空阀、疏水阀、电站阀、电磁阀、调节阀、温控阀、截止阀、节流阀、排气阀、排污阀、仪表阀、柱塞阀、隔膜阀、旋塞阀、减压阀、安全阀、底阀、法兰等
阀门配件: 电动执行器、气动执行器、液压执行器、阀体、手轮、螺栓、弹簧、密封、垫片、阀位变送器等
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